OrgDesigner v3.6
OrgDesigner v3.6 英文正式版(組織、維護組織結構關鍵詞的軟體)
OrgDesigner is a software-tool you can use to design, maintain and
publish models of your organization. Keywords are Communication, Reuse
of data and Efficiency.
Designing and realizing models of organizations is a complex process.
Most important is good communication in the design-team. This can be
supported by clear diagrams at various levels of detail. Examples:
Organization Diagram, Activity Diagram, Matrix. You can use standard
DrawingTechniques (ISO, IDEF, QPL) or define your own. For quality,
there is an analyze-function to check consistency.
Complex models are normally hard to maintain. Where did I use the
document 'Special invoice'? You will have this problem if you use a
simple text-editor and drawing program. In OrgDesigner, you can create
relations between objects, which makes the answer to the question very
simple. No duplication of data is needed, so if you change the name of a
Department, all the Diagrams on which this department appears are also
changed! And of course, various functions are available to find what you
are looking for. Examples: TreeView, ListView, PropertyView.
If you published data with OrgDesigner, you can do an automated update.
No more 'out-of-date' procedures!
To support communication, OrgDesigner makes the data available for
publishing in a format you need. Currently you can export data to HTML,
XML, ODBC and ASCII, or use the clipboard. Examples: Generated HTML
(demo), Generated XML (demo; XML-enabled browser required like I.E.).
You can also use the HTML-Editor for documents in 'free format'
(Example). And there is the SiteView for an Explorer-like view of your